Daycare ProgramsAcademics are an important part of practical life, in addition to that, we offer activities that help children interact with everyday life. Activities range from pouring water, recycling bottles and paper, tying shoelaces, cleaning and setting a table, getting dressed, cleaning up after themselves, potty training, taking care of hygiene, and so much more. Together with families, the team at Rosemont Bilingual will help you to secure the best and brightest future for your child. Our program uses Play-Based Learning with a focus on real experiences so that children can physically touch and explore what they are learning about. By providing time, space, and materials we enable students to lead the lessons, which help them to develop a love of learning in a supported and fun environment! |
Learn More About Our Programs
Infants have many opportunities to explore their surroundings themselves in complete safety through seeing, touching, feeling, and moving.
We help toddlers start to experience their independence and learn to develop their social skills and to express what they need with words.
We strive to create an environment where learning is ongoing and a joyous experience Learning should make sense from the child's point of view.